Wednesday, April 26, 2006

how have the goals gone?

I'll pwned this one

2) play good live. I could concievably play 10 days live this month. I need to play better than I did 2 days ago.

I've played pretty good and made v good $ live this month. However, my online time has been substantially lower than it should be, go figure. I'm pretty pleased with the month thus far, though. Could be a lot worse.

Monday, April 03, 2006

april goals

it's tourney time this month in vegas, so some april goals. I'm feeling pretty good thus far, the time off has helped a bit as far as general disposition goes.

1) play a lot online if I'm not on the strip. I could stand to make back my tax money.

2) play good live. I could concievably play 10 days live this month. I need to play better than I did 2 days ago.

3) play better, period. nice discussion last night kinda reminded me that I don't think about poker nearly enough

4) watch a bunch of cubs games. obvious.

if I were to set some hands goals, let's say 40,000. ~2k-3k on days where I'm not out and about seems reasonable, though I may go back to sngs. I am clearly undecided on that. sngs seem like the plan for random robotic money printing, but I do want to not suck at limit.